lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Technogym mywellness

Technogym mywellness

Mit Energie in den Valentinstag starten. Wählen Sie Technogymgeräte für Ihr Zuhause. Jetzt Katalog herunterladen.

Technogym mywellness

With mywellness , you can track all of the activities that you do at the gym or outdoors, measuring miles traveled and calories burned. Every physical activity you take part in enables you to collect MOVEs: These are units of measurement that you can use to compare with your friends, to see who is most active. Create a new mywellness account Move and bring Wellness into your lifestyle everywhere and anytime.

Keep track of your improvements and get support from experts. Mywellness is an online platform for health and fitness operators that provides tools to realise effective business models that will improve your. Mywellness is a nifty bit of kit that utilises Cloud based technology to help you get the most from your workout experience.

It works by tracking your activity and progress, which you can then access on the go through your very own Mywellness account, accessed either directly through our gym equipment or the Mywellness mobile app. Mywellness позволяет получить опыт тренировки на полностью интегрированном оборудовании с учетом потребностей пользователя, помогая легко, быстро и непринужденно добиваться целей в фитнесе и укреплять здоровье. Technogym , un vanto e una gloriosa e internazionale azienda produttrice di macchine e strumenti per il wellness, entra con Mywellness Key nel settore degli assistenti atletici personali e portabili. Products and Services for achieving Wellness through physical activity. Set up your mywellness key.

Download mywellness link. Cookies are disabled in the browser. With cookies disabled you can not access the application. Enable cookies from the browser settings, close and reopen the browser. Mywellness è l’esperienza di allenamento connessa e personalizzata che ti guida al raggiungimento dei tuoi risultati sportivi, di fitness e di salute, in maniera facile, veloce e divertente.

Ogni iscritto ha in dotazione una chiavetta digitale TK ( Technogym Key) nella quale vengono memorizzati gli esercizi concordati con gli istruttori. William And Harry Have A Secret Stepsister – But There’s A Good Reason Why She’s Kept Hidden - Duration: 13:37. STAR NEWS 3Recommended. Crea il tuo account: entra nel cloud! Mywellness app by Technogym helps you to get the most out of the services of your club when you train both indoor and outdoor.

MyWellness disponibile per Android e IOs. The completely redesigned look and feel envisages four areas: - FACILITY AREA: Discover all the services that your club provides and choose what interests you most. Bevor Sie schlafen gehen, trinken Sie dieses - Fett schmelzen und Bauchfett verlieren über Nacht - Duration: 7:51. Automatic training assignment.

Technogym mywellness

Based on user personal data, a Training programme is assigned automatically from a library in less then seconds and uploaded onto the Wellness System Key. The Key automatically starts the programme on the equipment and guides the user. Enter your mywellness account. Over the past week have recorded a few bike and treadmill workouts on the Technogym equipment.

Technogym branches After Sales Service address book : Login Login allowed to authorized users only. For any info please refer to the address book. Ancora più fitness ancora più risultati! Puoi utilizzare Mywellness App in tutte le palestre dotate di attrezzature Technogym connettendoti al singolo macchinario tramite QR Code o via Bluetooth. La tua seduta verrà automaticamente impostata sull’attrezzo, e i tuoi risultati verranno tracciati e salvati in tempo reale sul tuo account Mywellness.

Technogym mywellness

VIVI UN’ esperienza di fitness MAI PROVATA PRIMA In dotazione agli iscritti, My Wellness Ban il nuovo dispositivo indossabile che unisce l’esperienza pluriennale maturata nell’industria del wellness, la capacità dei migliori designers e la passione per i dettagli Technogym. The mywellness key is a device that motivates you to adopt a more active lifestyle, measuring physical activity performed during the day, from a simple walk to a workout session in the gym. Si tratta di Technogym myWellness Key! En el siguiente vídeo os explicamos la utilización del sistema Qr con la App Mywellness de Technogym.

Para cualquier duda acudir a la sala de fitness de nues.

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