giovedì 15 febbraio 2018


The word comes from Latin vibrationem (shaking, brandishing). The oscillations may be periodic, such as the motion of a pendulum—or random, such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road. English dictionary definition of vibration. The condition of being vibrated. The subject of vibration is introduced here in a relatively simple manner.


The various steps involved in vibration analysis of an engineering system are out-line and essential definitions and concepts of vibration are introduced. Da noi hai la possibilità di allenare tutto il corpo o muscoli mirati su macchinari di altà qualità prodotti da VibroGym. Management delle principali social star italiane.

Studying vibration measurements allows teams to discover imbalance, looseness, misalignment, or bearing wear in equipment prior to failure. Directed by VisualMecca. Illustrations by Windeaux Vision. Si pubblica un articolo di Alessandra Lenzi che ci segnala un’interessante iniziativa.


They help to detect machine damage in good time and prevent costly consequential damage. The ifm product range includes vibration transmitters, vibration sensors, accelerometers and evaluation electronics. Vibration monitoring systems. Piping vibration is simply the movement of pipe away from its static, at-rest position. Some vibration can be seen by the naked eye, some vibration can be felt or hear and some vibration occurs only occasionally under certain operating conditions, and may not be recognized until a piping failure has occurred.

Accelerometers measure the acceleration or vibration of a device or system. Introduction: The advent of the microprocessor has enormously advanced the process of vibration data acquisition and analysis in recent years. The act of vibrating or the condition of being vibrated.

Any periodic process , especially a rapid linear motion of a body about an equilibrium position. It may be hard to believe, but everything on this planet and beyond is a vibration. Conditions that can cause these vibrations include unbalance, misalignment, looseness of parts, deteriorating rolling element bearing and gear damage. Data Physics vibration test equipment provides a full range of shock and vibration testing that includes force generation, control, and measurement. Many advanced features are incorporated in both the hardware and software to provide state-of-the-art solutions for shock and vibration testing.

Gradually, as vibration isolation and reduction tech- niques have become an integral part of machine design, the need for accurate measurement and analysis of me- chanical vibration has grown. This need was largely sa- tisfie for the slow and robust machines of. It is exhibite for example, by a swinging pendulum, by the prongs of a tuning fork that has been struck, or by the string of a musical instrument that has been plucked.

Synonyms for vibration at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for vibration. Prevent machinery failure and costly production downtimes! VIBRATION ANALYSIS AND BALANCING. Our vibration measurement tools are used to check the condition of rotating equipment and detect early component wear and damage.

Get your noise measurement and analysis done faster, easier and problem-free. Excessive vibration will increase bearing noise and can drastically shorten the life of a bearing. Bearing rings and balls are not perfectly round and the balls and raceways, even after extensive fine grinding and polishing, are not perfectly smooth. There is an emphasis on fundamental work that has potential for practical application.


Papers may be theoretical or experimental, and either fundamental or highly applied.

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